Short biography

Sylke Enders
March, April, May 2023
Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur des Landes Brandenburg
Director and writer, studied sociology and social and economic communication before studying directing at the German Film and Television Academy Berlin (DFFB) from 1996 to 2002.
Her first feature film "Kroko" was awarded the Deutscher Filmpreis in silver in 2004, as well as being nominated for the European Film Award for European Discovery of the Year and for the German Young Talent Award First Steps in the category "Evening Feature Film". She was in charge of writing and directing the three films that followed – her graduation film "Hab mich lieb" (2004), the feature film "Mondkalb" (2007), and her freely produced "Schlitten auf schwarzem Schnee" (2011). In 2009, Sylke Enders participated in the episodic film "Deutschland 09 – 13 kurze Filme zur Lage der Nation" (Germany 09 - 13 Short Films on the State of the Nation) with the short film "Schieflage," before filming someone else's screenplay for the first time in 2012 for WDR: "Geliebtes Kind." In 2013 her TV film "Du bist dran" and in 2014 her feature film "Schönefeld Boulevard" premiered at the Munich International Film Festival. Her TV comedy "Zwei verlorene Schafe" also premiered in Munich in 2016. In 2022, she finished working on her freely produced feature film "PIA PIANO" and filmed her book " Schlamassel".