Short biography

Priya Kumari
Science/Topics focusing on the previously divided Germany
Juni, Juli, August 2025
Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur des Landes Brandenburg
Priya Kumari, born in India, is a Doctoral candidate and Senior Research Fellow at Centre of German Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India. She holds her Bachelors and Masters in Literature of German speaking countries. Her research interest lies at the intersection of culture and literary Studies, Black and Afro-German Literature, Memory, Guilt, Identity and Recognition politics in German speaking literary and cultural productions and literary translation.
She has written MPhil. dissertation titled “Identitäts- und Kulturkrise in Lucia Engombes Autobiographie Kind Nr. 95. Meine deutsch-afrikanische Odyssee”. Her PhD. project titled “Die Politik der Identität, Anerkennung und Integration in der ausgewählten Schwarzen-Deutschen Literatur” focuses on the cultural theory of Similarity and Difference with respect to the politics of memory studies, colonial amnesia, decolonization, integration and transcultural identity of Black Germans in German society. She is the recipient of fellowships like Baden-Württemberg Stipendium (2020) for her research stay at Universität Konstanz; DAAD University Summer School-HSK 2017 at the Institute für Internationale Kommunikation e.V. in Berlin (IIK Berlin) and also participated in international summer schools at Universität Bielefeld, Germany (2017-2018).
She has been awarded “Best Translation Prize” for translating Mascha Kaléko’s poem Heimweh, wonach? into Hindi Viyog, Kis Griha Ka? by the Goethe Society of India in 2018. She has also organized a workshop and presented her research in the Postdoc-Symposium titled “Ähnlichkeit als theoretisches Paradigma und ästhetische Praxis” (2024) at the Centre of German Studies, JNU, India, which is in the process of publication.