Short biography

Naomi Liesenfeld
Visual Arts
June, July 2021
Ministerium für Bildung und Kultur Saarland
Naomi Liesenfeld lives and works in Bonn. From 2010 to 2018 she studied conceptual painting and sculpture in Saarbrücken and Zurich. In 2018 she became a master student with Katharina Hinsberg. She received a fellowship of the Cusanuswerk and a studio scholarship of the Bonner Kunstverein in 2018.
Naomi Liesenfeld deals with color and its unfolding in space and time. In her artistic practice she creates abstract and minimalist works on canvas, wall, and paper as well as objects that attempt to stretch the boundaries of the perceptible. Liesenfeld's interest is equally focused on color production and the properties of image carrier materials. Her work thus aims at an interaction of these two worlds. She often collects and produces pigments from natural color substances, which are then ground and dried to produce her color palette. Plants and fruits are turned into color-bearing objects, cornflowers and poppies are processed into pigment powder, string beans grow in gallery rooms where their harvest is used as a coloring agent for wall paintings and drawings. These non-preserved, changeable colors have a life of their own and play with the viewing and perception habits of the viewer as they are constantly changing.