Short biography

© Günter Agde
© Günter Agde

Günter Agde

Science/Topics focusing on the previously divided Germany

June, July, August 2021

Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur des Landes Brandenburg

Dr. Günter Agde is a film historian, he studied Theater Studies at the Theaterhochschule Leipzig and received his doctorate at the Humboldt University Berlin with a thesis on the film director Kurt Maetzig. Initially he worked as a dramaturge at various GDR theaters, at Henschelverlag Berlin and as head of the feature section of the magazine FF Dabei. From 1972 - 1991, he worked as research assistant for feature film at the Akademie der Künste Berlin. This led to his freelance career as a film journalist and film historian with teaching assignments at the Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek Berlin and ZZF Potsdam, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt University Berlin and HFF Babelsberg.

Günter Agde is co-founder and long-standing member of the CineGraph Babelsberg e.V. association and the Filmblatt editorial team. He is co-curator of the retrospective Die rote Traumfabrik, Meshrabpom-Film and Prometheus (1921–1936) for the Berlinale 2012 and the International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film 2012. He is also a long-standing curator of the program series Wiederentdeckt at the Zeughaus-Cinema of the German Historical Museum Berlin. In 2019, he received a research scholarship from the German Historical Institute in Moscow.

During his three-month stay in Wiepersdorf, he is working on a film-historical survey, analysis, and presentation of Günter Kunert's complete work for cinema and television films as an academic contribution to the German-German cultural history.

List of publications: