Events | The wagon – cinema screening

Friday, August 20, 2021, 9:30 pm  |  Castle Square

The wagon - cinema screening

In the summer of 2019, the buehnendauterheims theater ensemble will undertake an unusual tour of Germany: it will travel once across the country with a 100-year-old hayride stage with the Corpus Christi film "The Great World Theater" - from Rheinhessen to Berlin. Every evening the troupe plays in a different village, every day it moves 40 kilometers further. The experiences and encounters of their journey are now turned into a theater road movie: "The wagon" offers an unusual view of Germany, from the countryside to the city, from West to East, through the centuries. The film can be seen in the open-air theater of a cinema bus.


Popcorn and cold drinks are available in the cinema shop (open from 8:30 p.m.).





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