Events | The Curious Cases of Commissioner Rothmann

Tuesday, July 4, 2023, 6:00 pm  |  Schloss Wiepersdorf

The Curious Cases of Commissioner Rothmann


Short Thrillers by Schloss-Wiepersdorf-fellow Erhard Schmied

Tuesday, July 04, 2023, 6:00 p.m.

Schloss Wiepersdorf

He has a lot to tell, our commissioner. And he likes to exaggerate excessively, especially when he wants to thwart one of his wife's plans – a dance class, an excursion, a gardening project .... Here, everyday marital disputes come together with stories of murder and manslaughter. What is Commissioner Rothmann up to? And what kind of unexpected tricks does his wife know?

Erhard Schmied has written a total of 35 episodes of this short radio play series for Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg (RBB). He will present a small selection of the five- to seven-minute episodes in Schloss Wiepersdorf, open air in the castle park if the weather situation will allow it. There will also be a barbecue and drinks.

Erhard Schmied is a current Schloss Wiepersdorf fellow. He writes mainly radio plays, but also screenplays and plays for children's and youth theatre.

Read more about Erhard Schmied

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